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Wilmette police warn of series of car robberies, at least one high-profile armed robbery

Chicago (CBS) — Wilmette police are looking for suspects involved in a series of car robberies and at least one high-profile armed robbery.

A man was dragged out of his car early Friday morning, beaten and robbed of his wallet and car keys, police said.

Around the same time, at least six unlocked cars were robbed in the area.

Police managed to arrest one suspect, but several others fled in stolen vehicles.

Police discovered robberies to unlocked vehicles at:

  • 3500 Blocks of Illinois Road
  • 1100 blocks on Manor Drive

Residents also reported robberies to vehicles that were later unlocked at:

  • 3500 blocks on Elmwood Drive
  • 2600 blocks on Wilmette Avenue
  • 400 blocks on Highcrest Drive
  • 400 blocks of Brookside

Many suspects are believed to be armed, so anyone who witnesses suspicious activity should call 911 and be careful not to confront the suspect.

Police are also asking residents to review doorbell and security system footage and notify police of any suspicious activity.

https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/willmette-police-warn-of-series-of-car-burglaries-at-least-one-strong-armed-robbery/ Wilmette police warn of series of car robberies, at least one high-profile armed robbery

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