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Why is the coldest time of winter about a month after the winter solstice and the hottest time of summer about a month after the summer solstice?

Have a question for Tom? Ask him here!

Dear Tom,

Why is the coldest time of winter about a month after the winter solstice and the hottest time of summer about a month after the summer solstice? Do you think shortest and longest days match up? Thanks!

Doug Neufeldt, Roselle

Dear Doug

your observation is correct. Chicago’s normal temperatures have been declining slowly but steadily since July 11-24, when they peaked at 85°C highs and 67°C lows. The decline ends at the end of the annual temperature cycle, after bottoming out at a typical high of 31°C and a low of 18°C ​​from January 16-28. After that, the reading starts to rise again. It is interesting to note that both the hottest and coldest periods of the city occur three to four weeks after the summer solstice. “late season”.

https://wgntv.com/news/why-is-it-that-the-coldest-part-of-winter-is-about-a-month-after-the-winter-solstice-and-the-hottest-part-of-summer-is-about-a-month-after-summer-solstice/ Why is the coldest time of winter about a month after the winter solstice and the hottest time of summer about a month after the summer solstice?

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