Home Business The Best Industries for Remote Work

The Best Industries for Remote Work


It has been an exciting few years for change, those changing the way they work in favor of remote work and flexibility, a change in career to explore new opportunities, or a change in country as remote work visas have opened a huge amount of opportunity for the digital nomad community looking to make a change too. There are some industries well suited for remote work though, and provide plenty of opportunities both at home and internationally – so if change is on the menu, which industries should be the go-to for remote work hopefuls?

The Best Industries for Remote Work

All things IT ­– The IT sector has become synonymous with remote work and covers a huge variety of different industries that are applicable for workers of all skill sets – something more involved like design or coding may require previous qualifications or work experience to land a job, where as content writing or social media manager may be less dependent on qualifications. There’s a huge range of options here and certainly worth exploring for any budding remote workers or location independent workers, and an industry that will continue to lead the way in terms of remote options.

Healthcare may be a surprising choice – Whilst IT is known for remote, Healthcare workers actually share the largest pool of remote working options with up to 15% of the industry working remotely. Whilst this may limit options to travel for workers looking to work away from home, or may not provide as much flexibility in the working habits of the IT sector, but if this is a specialty with the right skill set, can be a great opportunity. It also provides a lesson too, that there’s a lot of opportunity in industries that may not be as expected, so looking around could yield some great remote opportunities.

Customer service is going more remote, too – Whilst linked to the IT industry, customer service often stands out on its own. The days of customer service simply being answering a telephone call have long since passed and there are plenty of options online that only require typing skills and some knowledge of what’s being offered too – this has particularly grown in recent years with outsourcing to other countries becoming less common and a premium being placed on skilled customer service agents that know the products and can deliver a better service, and may be worth checking out for brands that are well known or used often.

These are just a few of the many growing options as remote work continues to grow and there are opportunities in new business sectors every day – so why not explore and try out something new?