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Police; Britney Spears hits herself, no charges filed

LAS VEGAS, Nevada (WTVO) — A video of Britney Spears’ encounter with new NBA star Victor Wenbanyama shows the pop star accidentally punching him in the face after security shoves his hand away from Wenbanyama. ing. according to the police.

According to TMZ, Spears had filed a police report Wednesday night saying he was slapped by a security guard while trying to talk to Wenbanyama at a casino complex in Las Vegas.

“I decided to approach him and congratulate him on his success. It was so loud that I tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention.” said Spears.

“Then his guard hit me back in the face without looking back in front of the crowd. I almost fell and my glasses almost fell off my face.”

Wenbanyama disputed Spears’ claims, stating: he was grabbed from behind by a stranger.

“I didn’t know what happened because I was walking straight and they said, ‘Don’t stop,'” Wenbanyama said. “But he grabbed me from behind. She grabbed me from behind her, not my shoulder. So I just know the guard pushed her away.” increase.”

Police said CCTV footage showed Spears didn’t grab Wenbanyama from behind, but he wasn’t even slapped by a security guard.

Rather, Spears accidentally hit himself after being shoved from Wenbanyama by a security guard.

The Las Vegas Metro Police Department said the investigation was closed and “no charges will be filed against those involved.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

https://www.mystateline.com/news/national/police-britney-spears-hit-herself-no-charges-filed/ Police; Britney Spears hits herself, no charges filed

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