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Illinois police seek to consolidate federal gun ban lawsuit

Springfield, Illinois (WTVO) — In a further legal challenge to Illinois’ new semi-automatic weapons ban, the Illinois State Police are asking the court to: consolidate federal litigation into one.

Democratic Gov. JB Pritzker signed the bill into law on Jan. 10 after seven people were shot dead and 30 wounded during an Independence Day parade in the Chicago suburb of Highland Park. .

The law prohibits the sale or possession of more than one type. 170 semi-automatic guns Current owners of weapons must register with the State Police by January 1, 2024.

Many county sheriffs throughout the state have passed the 2nd, 5th, and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which give citizens the right to bear arms, the right to oppose self-incrimination, and the right to bear arms. It says it will not enforce the ban because it is inconsistent. Equal protection under the law.

The 24 million AR-15 semi-automatic rifles in circulation in the United States far outstrip the country’s best-selling vehicle, the 16 million Ford F-150 trucks. lawsuit By the National Rifle Association.

Proponents of the law refer to guns as “assault weapons,” but gun shop owners argue that true assault weapons (the ones used by the U.S. military) are already illegal.they are fully automated machine gun Like the M16 and AK47, which were banned by the federal government in 1986.

On Thursday, the Illinois State Police (ISP) filed a motion to consolidate three federal lawsuits, including one filed by the Illinois Rifle Association.

“By consolidating the cases, it prevents unnecessary duplication of cases in four different cases and promotes the judicial economy. You will not be prejudiced by the ISP’s motion,” the ISP said in the motion.

In central and southern Illinois, which have large populations of hunters and sports shooters, guns are viewed much more favorably than in the northern metropolitan areas, especially Chicago, which continues to fight deadly handgun violence. increase.

Gun bans also face legal challenges at the state level. Last Friday, an Effingham County circuit court judge said: temporary restraining order Protect 860 plaintiffs from the law, including gun store owners.

The case will proceed to preliminary injunction on February 1.

Several other state-level lawsuits have also been filed.

https://www.mystateline.com/news/local-news/illinois-state-police-asks-to-consolidate-federal-gun-ban-lawsuits/ Illinois police seek to consolidate federal gun ban lawsuit

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