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Hiring freeze hits Illinois business sector

(WTVO) — Hourly wages are rising in Illinois, but some workers are having a harder time finding jobs.

Reported by wallet hub indicates that the job opening rate in Illinois is currently 6.93%. According to Illinois Secretary of State Chris Davis, This is because companies have hit the suspend hiring button.

‘We are in an uncertain pause right now,’ said Davis Said. “Less than one-fifth of businesses have fully recovered from the pandemic, and inflation remains a heavy burden for small business owners.”

Inflation in Illinois, which is currently just below 7%, is driving up the cost of hiring new workers, Davis added.

“It’s coming at them from every angle,” Davis said. “Workers are demanding higher wages, fuel and heating costs are rising, and supply chain issues are increasing inputs.”

As a result, it was difficult to find qualified candidates, says Davis.

“There is a mismatch between employers’ needs and workers’ skills,” he said. “Of his 44% of employers trying to hire, 48% Of those, 44% report a shortage of qualified applicants. ”

https://www.mystateline.com/news/hiring-freeze-hits-illinois-business-sector/ Hiring freeze hits Illinois business sector

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