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Finnish center-right leader says new coalition including far-right parties is solid | Wagon Radio 720

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) – Finland’s center-right Conservative National Coalition leader, a new member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), is set to offer a four-party deal on Friday to form a coalition government that includes anti-immigration parties. .

NCP leader Peteri Orpo, who is expected to become the next prime minister of the Nordic countries, said the four parties had agreed to form a government. Besides the NCP, there are the second-placed Finns, the Christian Democrats, and the Finnish-Swedish People’s Party. These parties hold 108 of the 200 seats in the Finnish parliament, Eduskunta.

“Finland is in a difficult situation, the economy and health are in crisis, the Russian war continues, inflation and interest rates are rising,” Olpo said after weeks of hearings from all parties. Everyone recognizes that,” he said.

“The problem is big and we have to solve it together. According to the Finnish daily Hufvudstadsbladet, our program is thorough, which will facilitate a faster transition,” he said. said. He said Finland, a Nordic country of 5.5 million people that shares a long land border with Russia, was “in a very difficult situation”.

“So we had to look for savings everywhere while still ensuring basic services. We make every effort to ensure that.”

Political analyst Juho Laakonen said it appeared “probably more right-wing government than ever”, in contrast to outgoing Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s centre-left five-party coalition.

“Finland appears to be the most employee-hostile government in history,” said outgoing education minister Lee Anderson, leader of the Socialist Left League, on Twitter.

Rakonnen noted that the formation negotiations took seven weeks. “Usually a government is formed within a month.”

Negotiations were extremely difficult on subjects such as immigration, development aid and the climate, clashing particularly between the Finnish Party and the small Swedish People’s Party.

Rakonen said coalition parties often hold opposing views. “I don’t know if we can predict a very long lifespan. We’ve already seen some serious clashes during the negotiations.”

Hufvudstadsbladet wrote on Friday that a government could be appointed and inaugurated next week if the leaders of all four parties approve the plan.

Finland’s main conservative party, the NCP, won the parliamentary election with 20.8% of the vote after Finland came second after a three-way battle. Marin’s Social Democrats finished third, dashing their reelection hopes.

Nationalist Finns, who have a predominantly anti-European Union and anti-immigration policy, won 20.1% of the vote.

Elections to renew Eduskunta were contested primarily over economic issues, with voters in the country, which became NATO’s 31st member on April 4, determined to resolve rising national debt, inflation and other economic problems. In search of a solution, he shifted allegiance to a party on the political right. problem.

This debt will be a challenge for the new government, especially since NATO membership will require Finland to increase its defense spending.

Finland’s government debt was about €146 billion ($159 billion) at the end of March, or about 55% of GDP, compared to about €106 billion at the end of 2019, when Marin’s centre-left government took office. .


David Keyton of Stockholm contributed to this report.

https://wgnradio.com/news/international/finlands-center-right-leader-says-program-for-new-coalition-including-far-right-party-is-ready/ Finnish center-right leader says new coalition including far-right parties is solid | Wagon Radio 720

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