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Event Insurance and Me


Are you planning to host a party anytime soon? That’s awesome – don’t forget to invite me! The confetti, the sense of camaraderie, the drinks to help loosen your tongue and say things you might regret next morning: it’s all in the spirit of getting together and relaxing – the human way.

 The human way, though, can also be more than a little bit difficult. While you might expect something chill and casual out your event, your guests might have something altogether different in mind.

 I mean, consider this: you work hard to set up a social gathering where you invite your family members to taste caviar and champagne. You labor hard to make sure that everything is quiet during that period, the dogs are fed, the kids are leashed, and no meteor is going to land in your backyard.

 And then Bob shows up with his kids, all three of whom have turned of drinking age and are ready to get plastered. And so you listen to Bach and angrily pop caviar on the roof of your tongue while you try and ignore three rowdy kids pouring champagne all over their faces just a few feet away.

 See where I’m getting with this? I’ve written an article to give you an idea of how you can avoid these scenarios with extreme prejudice, so read on if you want to set up a failsafe for yourself.

Importance of Insurance

The previously aforementioned scenario can realistically be stopped by letting them know their attitude is not what’s expected: that’s unlikely to cause a big fuss and it’s not like you have to wrestle them to the ground to make them stop.

 On the other hand, there are a lot of surprises the universe can throw at you. You walk over to Bob’s Kid #2, tell him to “please stop flinging the caviar at guests with a spoon catapult,” and he tells you off, shows you the back of his middle finger, turns around to leave, slips on a banana peel breaks his back, and is now permanently crippled.

 Sounds absurd? I know – and I’m also sorry, but these things happen.

 The only way you can protect yourself from such a scenario arising at all is to opt for event insurance. To put it simply, insurance is an agreement between you and a company to be offered financial compensation in case of a specified event, loss, circumstance, injury, death, or else.

 The main problem with the situation presented beforehand is that although it’s not your fault that the child got hurt, it still nonetheless means that you are fully legally responsible for it. After all, according to US law, the host of an event is directly responsible for the wellbeing of their guests.

 So that obviously doesn’t just extend to a drunken youth. Have a lot of elderly guests? One of them might sprain an ankle while going up and down a flight of stairs. Is one of your guests colorblind? Congratulations: he didn’t see the red warning sign for “wet floor” and slipped.

How Can Insurance Help?

The scenarios that I’ve presented leave you vulnerable to a lawsuit. That is, in truth, the biggest problem that can arise out of them: an unfortunate lawsuit that might leave you financially crippled and no less stressed.

 Insurance, on the other hand, can help cover any of your legal fees and costs associated with hiring a lawyer or attorney to represent you as well as any additional expenses you might incur: all of this for a premium that is a minuscule percentage of the total cost.

 In my personal opinion, there is no reason whatsoever to avoid, eschew, or forget about insurance. It’s like the difference between having a parachute on your back when you’re freefalling or not: sure, the human body can hit the ground at terminal velocity and survive, but how likely is it you’ll be that lucky?

 So don’t risk it. Buy a parachute.