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Encourage public to avoid mountain lions spotted in Springfield – Chicago Tribune

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources is urging the public to avoid contact with mountain lions spotted in the state capital using technology that has tracked rare animals west of Springfield.

The big cat, which was fitted with a GPS collar last year by the Nebraska Games and Parks Commission, was detected by satellites on the western edge of the city on Wednesday morning and slept in a most secluded spot for the day, according to the DNR. Stayed there most of the time. .

Conservation police, local authorities and Nebraska biologists monitor the animal’s movements and alert people to its existence. (Peoria) Journal Star report.

Mountain lions are a protected species in Illinois, and it’s illegal to kill a mountain lion unless it poses an immediate threat to people or property, so the DNR asked people to leave the mountain lion alone.

If someone encounters a mountain lion, the DNR should stand tall, wave their arms, throw rocks, scream, slowly back away, and keep an eye on the animal. I said yes.

Mountain lions were expected to leave the west side of Springfield on Wednesday night. DNR said in a Facebook post.

The appearance in Springfield is the second time a mountain lion has been spotted in Illinois in recent weeks. The DNR said last week that Mountain Lion was hit and killed by a car along Interstate 88 in DeKalb County on Oct. 16.

https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/breaking/ct-mountain-lion-springfield-20221027-qyuyad4vxjclzeyvjycvevzysy-story.html#ed=rss_www.chicagotribune.com/arcio/rss/category/news/ Encourage public to avoid mountain lions spotted in Springfield – Chicago Tribune

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