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Chicago Urban League Report Highlights Inequality Faced by Black Residents

A new report by the Chicago Urban League highlights significant disparities in educational, economic and health outcomes between black and white residents of the city.

of 2023 ‘State of Black Chicago’ Report If inequalities are not addressed, local businesses will close, public schools in black neighborhoods will continue to underperform, and black residents will be forced out of the district.

“We build wealth by accumulating assets, but for many it is by buying a home. ‘, said Karen Freeman Wilson, chairman and CEO of the Chicago Urban League. “And that is certainly achieved by trying to stay healthy.”

The city has lost about 85,000 black residents over the past 12 years, according to reports. Many black families moved to the suburbs or even further afield in search of affordable housing, better schools and safer neighborhoods. As Chicago’s black population dwindles, so do the remaining black residents.

Black residents perform worse than white residents in a variety of areas. The median household income of white residents is on average more than double that of black residents, at $82,294 compared to $35,965 annually.

The report also highlights discrepancies in results regarding home ownership rates and prevalence of air quality-related illnesses for black and white residents. Chicago blacks are much less likely to live in homes they own compared to white and non-black residents. High blood pressure and obesity rates are twice as high in black neighborhoods as in white neighborhoods.

“One of the things that struck me was the fact that we talk about 77 districts all the time. I think we’ll be able to see it,” Freeman Wilson said.

The League of Chicago Cities is urging the city to consider introducing various types of compensation to combat past injustices that continue to harm black residents. Examples include direct cash payments to lift people out of poverty, employment opportunity programs that connect the unemployed to government and private sector posts, and making higher education preparation more accessible, such as free ACT and SAT preparation courses. And so on.

https://chicago.suntimes.com/2023/6/1/23745495/chicago-urban-league-report-black-white-disparities Chicago Urban League Report Highlights Inequality Faced by Black Residents

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