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Building An Eco-Friendly Oasis In Illinois Today


Illinois is notorious for its distinct seasons. Winters are bitterly cold, and summers are swelteringly hot. What’s more, according to one editorial written by the State Climatologist Office for Illinois, these seasonal differences are only going to become more pronounced. The peaks and troughs of weather demand proper climate control in your home in order to stay safe and to stay comfortable. Unfortunately, the ACs and heating systems that make that possible are often resource hogs, with a serious cost both to the environment and your pocket. New all-in-one solutions are providing a solution to Illinois residents.

Heating the home

Finding new ways to heat and cool the home is crucial in the short-term. The classic way to achieve both is through HVACs, and these have an important role to play. A good place to look at this is in East Peoria. Due to its location, East Peoria is exposed to the elements to a greater extent than perhaps elsewhere in the state. East Peoria HVAC, then, needs to be efficient in both seasons. That can be a hard balance to strike, but the latest generation of HVAC systems has strained to do that. As The Guardian outlines, systems are becoming more efficient every year. Most cheaper, outdated systems only work at 5% efficiency. Furthermore, with the advent of SkyCool, properties have further options.

Making money, saving energy

Solar power is the future of clean energy. If you can produce all energy via renewable means, there isn’t even a requirement for tech to be efficient – though it will always be a good idea. The Washington Post recently profiled SkyCool, a renewable panel that also cools the area below it while it collects energy. This means that, throughout the summer, cooling can be provided without any energy requirement, and the electricity gathered turned towards other needs.

Insulating the home

When icicles drip from houses in long strands, it means one thing – insulation is off. This is the view of the Wednesday Journal of Oak Park and River Forest. Illinois in general has a large amount of housing stock without the right level of insulation. The result of this is homes that struggle to keep the cold out in winter, and struggle to keep the cool air in in summer. An easy and cost-efficient way to improve climate control in your home without breaking the bank is through insulation. Even the most basic cavity wall and loft sealing techniques can help you significantly in heating and cooling bills, and it will give you the knowledge that you’re doing your bit for the environment in the process.

As it happens, working to prevent climate change will prevent the severity of future seasons. The reason the weather is getting so extreme is because of the advance of global warming. Reversing this will help homes to feel that little bit more hospitable in the future and provide a significant amount of comfort.