Home Business Is Botox Good for Teeth Grinding?

Is Botox Good for Teeth Grinding?


Botox is an effective treatment not only in cosmetology but also in stomatology. Its main purpose is to block facial muscle contractions. Botox for teeth grinding is a quick solution to this problem, as well as some other diseases, such as muscle stiffness and migraines.

What is bruxism, and how can Botox help?

You can often hear the term bruxism. This is an involuntary strong clenching of the jaw and nighttime teeth grinding. An interdisciplinary approach to its treatment significantly improves the quality of dental care, especially in protection against the destruction of the dentition.

It is worth noting that there are two forms of bruxism: daytime and nighttime. The first variant is characterized by severe jaw clenching, usually in the daytime during nervous tension. The second involves involuntary, unconscious grinding of the teeth, which most often occurs at night and is a serious disease. It is very difficult to control because the symptoms usually appear in a dream.

Although at first, bruxism affects the patient’s family more than the self, this disease cannot be ignored. Another complication of bruxism is that it is quite difficult to diagnose, as muscle pain is often confused with toothache.

Bruxism is often associated with excessive activity of the masticatory muscles, which leads to a violation of the facial contour. Due to the massive lower jaw, it becomes more square. The consequences of this fairly common disease can be serious.

There are several ways to treat bruxism. One of them is the use of Botox. It is injected into the masseter and temporalis muscles. They contract during chewing, and when overactive, they cause teeth grinding.

Another method of treating bruxism is the use of dental guards. However, unlike them, Botox eliminates the causes of teeth grinding and clenching. The cap simply protects the teeth from damage. Botox can be used as an independent treatment method, as well as an addition to the specialized relaxation splint.

What is the composition of the preparation?

Botox is a botulinum toxin that has a local effect. For the treatment of bruxism, botulinum toxin type A can be used. This drug is prescribed for various manifestations of increased activity of the masticatory muscles. It is a derivative of the bacterium Clostridium difficile. In large doses, this substance can become a powerful poison that can affect the health of the entire body. That is why you need to be very careful about the dosage of Botox. A doctor should prescribe the drug for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system. After all, not only the amount of the substance is important but also the technique of use. The injections should be applied precisely to those parts of the muscles that are needed to partially immobilize them.

What happens if bruxism is not treated?

Even though this is a fairly common disease, it still does not have a generally accepted treatment method. Patients often choose what is more convenient for them. Such actions are completely wrong because only a doctor should prescribe medical methods and remedies.

If left untreated, bruxism will eventually lead to the following consequences of the disease:

  • Frequent headaches;
  • Abrasion of enamel and dental fillings and crowns, if the patient has them;
  • Negative changes in the temporomandibular joints;
  • Significant loosening of the teeth;
  • Malocclusion;
  • Possible exposure of the necks of the teeth;
  • Spasms and pain in the facial muscles;
  • Chipped teeth;
  • Possible hearing problems;
  • Periodontal disease.

When bruxism cannot be treated with Botox?

There are several contraindications in which it is better not to use Botox at all:

  • Acute infectious diseases, in particular on the skin;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Breastfeeding;
  • The need to use certain types of antibiotics;
  • If the patient suffers from a disease that affects blood clotting;
  • Allergic reactions to the drug;
  • Diabetes mellitus.

The above list should not be ignored in any case.

How does the treatment procedure work?

Botox is used after orthodontic treatment. It helps to restructure the stereotype of chewing, which in turn prevents malocclusion. The procedure is quick and easy. Therefore, you can immediately return to your usual daily routine but, at the same time, refrain from alcohol and excessive physical activity for at least a day. Also, after Botox injections, you should avoid visiting tanning beds and saunas for several weeks.

Injections are performed under local anesthesia, so there will be no pain. In general, the whole process takes a few minutes. It is important to remember that only a doctor can do this procedure. In no case should you treat bruxism with Botox at home or at a cosmetologist. The dose is very important in this process. And only a certified specialist can determine it qualitatively.

A microneedle is used for the procedure. It injects the drug into the muscles located directly under the skin. This way, the overstretched muscle relaxes, which relieves pain. Botox should be injected into painful muscle masses. They are determined by the doctor during the examination.

The effect of this drug lasts differently for everyone. In general, it lasts from four to six months. After that, the procedure should be repeated. In general, treatment of bruxism with Botox can last from two to three years. During this time, overstretched muscles learn to work properly, and the habit of clenching the jaw and grinding the teeth disappears.

When should bruxism be treated with Botox?

Several symptoms indicate that Botox is the most appropriate treatment for bruxism. Particular attention should be paid to the following changes in your health:

  • Asymmetry of the chewing muscles;
  • Wear and tear of tooth enamel;
  • Pain in the jaw joints;
  • Possible damage to dental crowns;
  • Neck and back tension;
  • Frequent migraines;
  • Expansion of the lower part of the face.

Benefits of using Botox to treat bruxism

Botox as a means of treating excessive jaw clenching and teeth grinding, in addition to its main therapeutic function, namely, the elimination of disease symptoms, has several other advantages.

  1. The oval of the face improves. It becomes narrower.
  2. The external manifestations of aging are significantly reduced.
  3. Wrinkles are smoothed out.

Also, the use of Botox in the treatment of bruxism improves the functioning of the temporal joints. As a result, the mobility of the lower jaw increases, and there is no clicking in the joint.

At the first symptoms of bruxism, do not wait until the disease negatively affects your health and appearance. Schedule a visit to the doctor right away. The sooner treatment begins, the faster and better the result will be.