Home Illinois How to Use Keywords to Make Recruiters Notice Your Resume

How to Use Keywords to Make Recruiters Notice Your Resume


Do you find yourself sending resumé after resumé to multiple corporations for jobs you can handle but get no interview? The chances are you’re making a massive mistake, and that includes not inserting the necessary keywords or terms in your CV.

These keywords are specific terms that companies work to identify in your paper as it shows your level of understanding about the industry. Their vigilance extends to using Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software to weed out resumés that don’t contain these keywords.

This article will provide you with professional tips on using keywords to make recruiters notice your resumé. Let’s begin.

Consider using A Resumé Builder

Granted, building effective resumé writing is difficult as you need to pay attention to multiple factors like formatting, keywords, font, page size, bullet point usage, and many more. Fortunately, you can reduce the hassle associated with the task by using a resumé builder like Resume Builder Pro.

This platform is ideal for building if you’re doing a resumé for the first time as it guides you through the necessary steps to produce the perfect piece. In other words, you don’t need to memorize numerous tips on how to craft a winning resume as ResumeBuilderPro has your back.

Upon choosing this platform, you will get access to a plethora of benefits, and these include:

Access to 4000+ resumé Templates

One of the biggest problems with making your first resumé is knowing what format to use and structuring the entire content. Luckily, you don’t have to spend hours looking at a blank digital page since you’ll have access to over 4000 templates.

The 4000+ templates can serve as a guide or reference for when you’re drafting your resumé, and it’s equipped with all the necessary information, including font, spacing, format, and structure.

In other words, you can focus on inputting your details and keywords and let ResumeBuilderPro handle the rest.

Time Saver

Resumé writing is tricky and can leave you spending hours, if not days, on your computer, thinking of writing and how to structure your content. Fortunately, you can save time and ease your stress by following the template, which can help you finish the entire task within an hour.

Consider using ResumeBuilderPro today and save time and energy on your resumé. It’s the best platform for time-conscious individuals.

Unlimited Customization

As previously mentioned, the templates contain all you need to input your details and compose the perfect resumé online. In addition, it gives you the liberty to change the type, color, size, font, size, and arrangement to suit your taste or the recruiter’s requirements. 

1. Read The Job Listing

The first place to search for essential keywords is the job advert; it always contains essential keywords that recruiters expect to see in your application. These terms are so essential that recruiters will spend the first six seconds searching your paper for them and deciding whether you’re worth their time.

Keep in mind that no universal keywords will work for every position or corporation as the terms for a manager’s role are different from a regular employee. Therefore, we recommend using keywords and phrases from the job description to construct your resumé.

If executed perfectly, the robot scanning your paper will mark it as worthwhile, raising your chances of getting hired.

2. Be Specific

While you may be on the right track, many people fail to stay in the recruiter’s mind due to a lack of specification. For example, when describing their previous accomplishment or position, some use “marketing professional” or “accounting expert,” which are overly broad terms.

Suppose you’re applying for a marketing or accounting job; the recruiters expect you to be a professional; therefore, such a broad description doesn’t help convey your uniqueness. So instead, narrow it down to something like “Digital Marketing Coordinator” or “Director of Forensic Accounting.”

Ensure to write the specific position or role you undertook in your previous company, as recruiters can spot a lie immediately when they read it. Exercise caution!

3. Use a Variety of Terms

The smart move when putting together a resumé is to avoid using one keyword throughout your paper as this action won’t impress the Applicant Tracking System (ATS). Instead, it would be best to pick a series of keywords and use them throughout the application but not all in the same paragraph.

Ensure to spread them evenly and reasonably throughout your resumé to provide context and make your work seem original. You can even use a keyword to lead into describing your experience, previous role, or achievements, making you a more attractive candidate.

Don’t be shy to use variations of specific keywords; for example, if a tech company uses “developer,” feel free to use that particular keyword as well as a synonym, like “Creator.” Actions like these make your resumé stand out for the scanning program and read smoothly.

4. Don’t Overdo It

Indeed, keywords are essential but won’t get you the job alone, and stuffing your resumé with as many keywords you can find and little relevant content will send your paper to the bin.

This concept is known as Keyword Stuffing and is fundamentally the unnaturally cramming of multiple terms and phrases into a document to rank high in a scan. While this action will get you past the Applicant Tracking System (ATS), a human will eventually pick up your paper, and the unpleasant stuffing will result in them discarding the file.

 For this reason, we recommend using these phrases and keywords in moderation as the aim is to convey your personality and qualifications with the correct terms.

5. Avoidable Keywords

As previously mentioned, being specific on your resumé is the best option as broad statements and adjectives do little to convey your personality or message.

For example, using terms like “dynamic” or “result-driven,” which are merely buzzwords that provide no relevant information. Instead, a better option will outline contributions and results that your actions brought to the company.

In other what’s what did you do, and what were the results? For example, did your contribution lead to more revenue, better brand awareness, decreased expenses, or improved customer satisfaction? Again, points like these are better than broad phrases that provide nothing of value to the recruiter.

6. Proofread Your Resumé

The perfect resumé contains the necessary keywords, appropriate format, provides impressive details, and is void of errors. For this reason, we recommend reading your resumé several times to ensure it sounds grammatically correct and intelligent.

If you’re worried about your written grammar not being top-notch, there’s no shame in that case since your job doesn’t require you to write constantly. Fortunately, you can rectify any hidden errors with a writing assistant called Grammarly, which helps pick misspelled words and articulate wordy sentences.

In the end, ensure you check thoroughly for errors and that your keywords are placed correctly to raise your chances of success.


Ultimately, keywords are an essential part of a resumé, and as companies become smarter at filtering their candidates, your best chance of getting employed is to innovate along with them. So, follow the tips presented in this article, and if you have trouble structuring your resumé, try ResumeBuilderPro.