Home Entertainment How to Take Perfect Instagram Pictures – With Your Phone!

How to Take Perfect Instagram Pictures – With Your Phone!


If you’re currently trying to build up your Instagram account one of the most important things that you need to do to get more Instagram followers is learn how to take the perfect Insta photograph.  As Instagram is almost entirely a visual platform, the best influencers showcase their accounts with dazzling photography and clever video too.  To get more likes on Instagram and get more Instagram posts viewed, you need to check that your images are engaging, invite people to view your profile and obviously, it should look great.  Try not to copy another influencer or someone else with a similar account. As well as having stylish photography, you also need to be fairly unique to set yourself apart from the competition. While you want more Instagram followers – you need to be a leader!  Let’s find out how to get more Instagram views through extraordinary photography.

Part of Instagram success is knowing how to take perfect Instagram pictures but there’s more to it.  Here’s a handy guide to teach you some strategies to further grow your Instagram account: https://www.techtimes.com/articles/271978/20220217/8-top-strategies-for-social-media-success.htm.


Of course, while it’s really important to get your photography right for Instagram there is a quicker way to gain more Instagram likes, views and followers and that’s with 1394TA.  By paying a very small fee, we guarantee genuine followers from real Instagram accounts, plenty of likes and lots of views – all from live accounts.

Is a Phone Camera Enough?

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to invest a huge amount of money in a state-of-the-art camera complete with long-lens and digital package.  Today’s smartphones and iPads are just as capable of getting a fabulous shot and they’re completely Instagram-friendly because you can upload your images in seconds and snap and go!

Check Your Smartphone Camera Settings

We bet you’ve never even thought about your smartphone’s camera settings before!  If not, this is the time to get them in-gear, so your photographs reflect your high-quality Instagram account.  Your smartphone is capable of taking some really professional images, you just need to get the settings right.  Most phone cameras have a 12-megapixel camera and an f/2.2 aperture – maybe that sounds like Dutch to you but roughly translated, it means they’re pretty high-tech!  One of those settings that needs dealing with is your HDR.  This stands for high dynamic range and it’s supposedly there to help you take a very good photograph.  It works by taking one photograph at different exposures, then melding them together to get the best result.   However, if you’re a newbie to photography then you could fall foul of HDR.  Our best advice is not to use it as in the wrong hands, it can make your photographs look unnatural.

Next, change your photo mode.  We’d suggest using portrait because this setting gives you lots of depth while highlighting the main subject. Try it and try a couple of other settings on the same picture to see the difference.  This setting is particularly good for food photography and product photography too but it’s not so good for inside photography or when there’s poor lighting.  This setting is only useful if your subject is perfectly still, so don’t use it on moving images.

Use the photo burst setting if you have an iPhone.  It takes a bunch of photographs at once (around 10+) so you flick through and choose the one that’s the most flattering.  For an Android phone, you can still use burst, just hold the shutter down while taking pictures.

Check your Lighting

If you’re outside you run the risk of shooting over-exposed photographs so, how do you get round this problem? It’s easy really, just underexpose your camera.  On an iPhone, simply tap on your phone’s screen while you take the photograph and wait for a yellow box to pop up.  Once you see it, notice the little sun icon to the right-hand side.  You’ll see the exposure lowering, keep moving the yellow sun downwards until you reach your desired exposure.  Android works in a similar way, just tap on your phone’s screen on the light and dark areas of your photograph and your phone will do the rest – balancing out the exposure.

Shoot with Natural Light

If you really want to take a fantastic Instagram photo for Instagram views, shoot your photography using natural light.  Of course, this isn’t always possible.  Sometimes you’re out at night so you have no choice but to shoot with a flash inside or when it’s dark outside, but it never gets the very best possible shot.

Set Up the Perfect Shot

Once you’ve mastered your camera settings, get ready to shoot.  For a selfie, a picture of an object or even something like a photograph in front of a mural wall consider the direction of your image.  You can also set up your photograph with voice control if you have an Android.  So, say “smile” or “capture” and your phone will do the rest.  This feature is useful for selfies or those times when you’ve positioned your phone’s camera to perfection but then you need to press the button and that one small action ruins the whole shot!

Use the Photo Editor

There are lots of free apps to download that can touch up a photograph. So, if you have some images that you wanted to use but they’re just not sharp enough or they need a little TLC, download Photo Editor from the app. store (iPhone and Android).  It’s free for the classic editor edition but if you want a really excellent selection of touch-up tools plus some special effects, go pro and pay for it.  The photo editor allows you to blur areas you don’t like, remove blemishes (good for selfies) and whiten your teeth.  You can also adjust the exposure, crop your picture, enhance it, change the orientation, add text, stickers, and frames (and so much more too!).  It’s a handy photoshop type app. in your pocket.

Always Use a Hashtag When You Post an Image to Instagram

Don’t forget to use hashtags for Instagram to make sure your content gets maximum views.  Not sure what Instagram hashtags are or how to use them?  No problem, we’ve covered everything off in this useful guide here: https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/general/2064680/what-you-need-to-know-about-instagram-hashtags.html.

Final Words on Posting Perfect Instagram Pictures

Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment with different ideas.  For more Instagram followers, you shouldn’t be frightened to be brave, different, or even controversial.  After all, remember, it’s the Instagram accounts that stand out of the crowd that get more Instagram views and as a result, those are the accounts that go viral.    Remember, your photography will always be important, even when you gain instant Instagram followers – to keep them happy, you need an active Instagram account with interesting, engaging content.