Home Entertainment Horse Racing vs Greyhound Racing – which is more popular?

Horse Racing vs Greyhound Racing – which is more popular?


Both horse and greyhound racing have rich histories concerning animal welfare, betting, and record-breaking performances. The role of popularity is significant in shaping how society views these traditions, as well as the overall revenue generated by each event. From royal endorsements to global reputation, this article explores the significance that horse and greyhound racing has on the public, comparing similarities and differences between the two. For a useful guide on how to place bets and get accurate predictions, check out the breeders’ cup horse race betting.


Firstly, there are several similar qualities between horse and greyhound racing. Both animals are traditionally bred for speed, and although their size difference is fairly significant, the average top speed of horses and greyhounds is the same, around 43mph. Another shared characteristic is that the majority of races are done on oval tracks, and racing events typically follow the same fundamental structure. Animal welfare is a rising concern, and it is unclear how much the greyhounds and horses enjoy racing, however, the breeds are always extremely well-cared for and get thoroughly pampered at the end of a race. Certain restrictions exist within the animal racing game because of these concerns. Only six greyhounds are allowed to race during an event, and there are also specifications that horse handlers must abide by in order to keep within the law. Number restrictions are similar between horse and greyhound racing because greyhound racing is outlawed in Britain, New Zealand, and Australia.


A number of differences that exist between horse and greyhound racing include timing, breed variation, categories, and the role of people. Of course, there are fewer greyhound breeds than there are horses because a greyhound is already a subspecies of dogs. Variation of horses includes thoroughbred, quarter horses, and European trotters. Horses are typically bred to generate better racing qualities and temperament, whereas this isn’t usually the case with greyhounds. There are also more categories within horse racing than greyhound racing, including endurance, jump racing, flat racing, and steeplechases.

Another difference between the two events is the type of crowd generated. For example, greyhound racing involves less time spent waiting between events and is typically cheaper to attend because the primary focus is on the animals and their performance. This means that higher stakes can be achieved, and smaller crowds are typically generated. It is, therefore, easier to get a decent view of the racers.

Horse racing events are usually spread throughout the season. While you could say that this was done intentionally to create more suspense and higher gambling rates, it is likely that it is done directly in line with tradition and venue availability. The tradition of putting money towards your favorite horse or greyhound has long been a part of our culture. For some, it has even been a family tradition, and many households encourage the youngest members to choose a horse or greyhound name for them to bet on.


One of the reasons why horse racing is considered more popular is due to the focus on appearances. Horses are a particular passion of the English royal family, and many Brits attend regular horse racing events in order to feel higher in society and more sophisticated. The elite would traditionally attend events dressed in their finest, as a way of establishing their wealth and status. For this reason, horse racing today is considered more social and the focus is typically on the people attending. Crowds generated by horse racing events are usually substantial, and costs can climb through the roof. The main contributor to these costs is expectations, dress, and food. The focus of horse racing is much more on the people than greyhound racing. This has never really been a tradition for greyhound racing events, which is why there is less coverage within the media.

Unlike greyhound racing, horse racing requires a jockey to encourage and discipline the horse during events. While some might argue that jockeys are somewhat unnecessary and that if it’s part of a horse’s nature, why can’t they race on their own, it could equally be argued that horses need to be reminded to stay focused and to be directed correctly. Horse experts say that jockeys do about ten percent of the work, while the horse does the remaining 90%. How ever you choose to look at it, there is a certain bond and mutual respect that needs to be acknowledged between horse and jockey. Without discipline and high levels of athleticism, horse racing would not be possible.

The media plays an enormous role in publicizing racing events. Greyhound racing typically isn’t as widely covered as horse racing is on the TV. Promotions and regular reminders all play a large role in the influence of horse racing on society today.

To summarize, greyhound racing is a competitive field in which spectators are encouraged to place bets, whereas horse racing is typically a little more than just that. While some smaller events can compare, horse racing is a multi-million dollar industry with mass media coverage and royal supporters. Huge crowds generate to contribute to the popularity, as well as the increased awareness of animal welfare.