Home Entertainment Checklist for Video Game Reviews Writers

Checklist for Video Game Reviews Writers


Today video games have become very popular among people of all ages and not necessarily teenagers. Even men and women who have adult children like to spend their free time playing an interesting game. Today, virtual entertainment is undergoing a boom, and more and more products in different genres come to the market. This trend stimulates an increase in the number of websites where video game reviews are published. The creation of such websites can become quite a good and profitable business. But before you start writing your own reviews, we recommend reading articles that have already been posted.

A good example would be the 40 Super Hot slot review that is available online in the public domain.

This article will help those who are making their first steps in writing video reviews because it provides useful tips and recommendations that should be followed to write a quality article.

What should be done before writing an article?

Here everything is extremely simple and clear. First, you should understand how competent you are in terms of spelling. After all, even the interesting and unique writing will repel readers if it contains a huge number of errors. You can check the text using a free online service, or find an editor and be prepared to pay for his/her services. Of course, working with a real person is better, because logical errors will also be corrected, and the editor will be the first to assess the written article.

Checklist for Video Game Reviews Writers

Next, a good idea is to study articles published by well-known magazines with video game news and reviews. It can be Game Informer, PC Gamer, and other world-famous outlets. It is recommended to read the articles you like several times. This will help you understand the writing styles and specifics of different editions. The most important thing is to write your own opinion, and avoid repeating what has been described in other reviews.

Steps to be taken

In order to write a quality review, you should adhere to a certain algorithm. It can be described as six steps to be taken.

Play the game

In order for the article to be really relevant and useful, it is recommended to get first-hand experience and play a video game on your own. This will enable you to study all the details of the product and get acquainted with its features. You should not write a review focusing only on videos watched online.

Checklist for Video Game Reviews Writers

Write an introduction

It is recommended to write no more than 2-3 sentences here. The introduction shouldn’t be too long. Its main purpose is to briefly outline the essence of a video game without unnecessary details. The introduction should attract and inspire the user to read the entire article.

Prepare short notes

This is the stage of creating a plan. Here it is necessary to summarize the information that should eventually be included in the review. It is at this stage that you can already see the future structure of the article. You can also form a semantic core with key phrases that need to be used in the work. This process is part of SEO optimization and will help to bring the website higher in search results.

Write the review

Write about what you really liked and disliked. It is recommended to pay attention to the features of the game, for example, maps, a large selection of equipment, whether it is possible to level up the skills of heroes, and other details. Do not forget to mention the following aspects in the review:

  • graphics quality;
  • atmosphere of musical accompaniment;
  • availability of trailers;
  • the storyline;
  • the gameplay.

Write examples and include links to the game to support your arguments and explain to the reader what the game is about. Some authors describe the pros and cons of the game in a separate section.

Closing paragraph

The final part should feature the conclusion you come to as you play the game. The readers should understand the overall spirit of the reviewer in order to decide whether this video game is worth their time. In general, write everything that you think is important. Avoid understatements.

Checking the review

Before publishing a completed article, you should read it carefully and check for all kinds of stylistic and spelling errors. It is also necessary to check the text’s uniqueness through special services because all the content to be posted should be original and without boilerplate phrases. There are free online services that help get rid of verbal garbage.

A few important tips

It is always recommended to add some images and screenshots to the text. It is a good idea to include lists and tables. Such an article will seem appealing and informative at first sight and users will surely want to read it. You should not add any obvious information about the game to the review – who is the developer, the year of release, the technical requirements. After all, this is primarily a review of the game, not a statistical summary. Do not make the article look like it was written by a fan of video games – it is better to write the text from the third person.

Here are some more useful tips:

  1. One thought should smoothly flow another – abrupt transitions from one topic to another are not acceptable.
  2. Overspam should be avoided; you should learn to use special services that help detect it. Overspam is multiple uses of identical words in the text. They can easily be replaced by synonyms.
  3. You must not only describe, but also analyze.
  4. When writing a review, it’s recommended to keep a balance – each part of the review and its thought should take up as much space as it deserves.
  5. It is necessary to divide the work into paragraphs, and not write in a continuous pattern.
  6. Make sure to re-read your text; preferably do it aloud and several times.
  7. It is recommended to study the sources thoroughly so as not to mislead users with false information.
  8. Enjoy the game before starting to write a review on it. And it’s recommended to play for a few days, not a couple of minutes.

To summarize, it should be pointed out that writing reviews of video games may seem a very easy task. But it is so only at first glance. Like any other work, it requires careful studies and preparation. Furthermore, people writing reviews at a professional level are able to make good money from their posts.