Home Business 5 Tips for Managing a Golf Course

5 Tips for Managing a Golf Course


Managing a golf course and trying to find ways to get new clients is not always easy. You might have to deal with lots of competition depending on where you are and fight over a finite number of players. This is why you have to keep your course in top condition and have everything necessary for players to have a good time. You’ll also have to find ways to set your club apart by doing things other people aren’t doing or by improving on some of their practices. Let’s take a look at a few management tips all course managers should follow.

Focus on Providing Stellar Customer Service

Proper golf course management starts with providing great customer service. Too many clubs make the mistake of leaving players to their own devices when they should be engaging them as much as possible. Remember to treat players as customers, not as people coming to a self-serve golf park. The more you do for them, the more they will appreciate it and the higher the chance they put you on their list of top courses.

Have More Carts than You Need

One of the most disappointing things for golfers is going to a course and finding out that they either don’t have golf carts or don’t have any available at the moment. Many golfers are aware that not all clubs will have golf carts, but a lot of newcomers might expect them, and this alone could get you a lot of negative reviews.In many cases, clubs will not be able to provide golf carts for everyone because one or two will be out of order. This is poor asset management and something you’ll need to tighten up if you want to keep your customers satisfied.

You should also go above and beyond to improve the carts you have to make them as comfortable as possible. This will score points with people coming to your course. You should consider adding enclosures to keep you comfortable and protect players against the elements. It will also make maintenance much easier as they will protect the vehicle against pest infestations and water when they’re stored.

Don’t Overcharge on Food and Drinks

If you’re not already serving food and drinks at your course, you’re missing out on a significant source of revenue. If you are, your prices have to be competitive. Be fair with your customers and leave them impressed with the quality of the food and your prices. This is another thing that will come up in reviews, and making a good impression here is important.

Keep an Eye on Course Conditions

The quality of your course has to be a priority, and you should always make sure that it’s in great condition. If you notice that your greens or fairways don’t look as good as they should, you could decide to offer discounts to people coming in for the day and tell them why. This will allow you to leave holes open and avoid complaints.

Have Enough Signage

While a lot of people playing at your course will be regulars, you also have to think about people who are visiting for the first time. These people will expect to see signage that will direct them towards the next hole or course. Not having them could leave them lost and frustrated. That’s the last thing you want to see and a good way to have them not come back to your club.

If you follow these tips, players will be pleased with their experience and you’ll be able to avoid major issues. Take your clients seriously and always try to find ways to make their experience even better.