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5 Factors to Consider When Looking for a New Job


As you consider job opportunities, make sure that part of your consideration process includes knowing what to look out for and understanding what separates one job from the next.

Sifting through options productively is a critical part of making the right decision for your career. It can be challenging to determine the best way to approach job considerations, but luckily, we’ve listed five factors to review when looking for a new job. Use the following as your guide:

1. Does It Pay Well?

No matter how exciting the job appears on paper, you’ll want to consider how well the job pays. Making money reflective of the hard work you do each day is an integral part of valuing your job. You might need to find work that allows you to maintain savings habits you started this year.

If you’re qualified to make an electrical engineer salary but receive a job offer where the pay does not reflect the market rate, you might want to look elsewhere.

You should also consider if there is room to advance in the company if your starting pay is not what you want to be making forever. Depending on your finances, moving up the ladder may be a smart option for you.

2. Does It Interest You?

There is a time to take on work for the sake of making money and a time to take on work not only for money, but to do something meaningful. If you are at a point where you feel burned out and are ready for work that feels fulfilling, it might help to take a moment and write down the values that matter most to you in a new position. You can use these values to guide you as you search for job opportunities.

3. Are You Willing To Travel?

You will need to consider how flexible you are regarding the degree of traveling that may be required for positions. Whether you are considering being a digital nomad or just commuting a few hours out of town, traveling for work is a sacrifice that you’ll want to be certain you’re willing to make before taking on a new position.

If the job isn’t fulfilling, you’ll likely end up focused on the fact that travel time eats away at your personal time and that it costs you more money. Weigh the pros and cons of this factor before accepting any traveling work positions.

4. Is Your Portfolio Stunning?

When you’re applying for jobs, you want to ensure that your references, contact information, work experience, and other information listed in your resume and portfolio are up-to-date and compiled in a neat and organized manner.

The better you present on paper, the more likely you will be asked in for an interview. Take time to ensure that your portfolio is up to standards for the positions you are after.

5. Does It Mesh With Your Personality?

Personality is not something to overlook in terms of the jobs you are considering. If you are introverted or extroverted, the position you consider should take into account these personality traits.

If you enjoy conversing with others, jobs with communication might be ideal. If you prefer working alone, a work-from-home position might be best.

The Bottom Line

The factors that you consider for pursuing work should keep in mind your needs for payment, the level of interest the work brings you, your flexibility to travel and work with others, and the amount of effort you put into listing your work experience. For best results, consider the above guidelines as opportunities come your way.