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VPN extension: why we need it, how to install it and how to work with it


VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. The connection to this network takes place over your normal Internet connection.

This means that in order to connect to a VPN network, you must have a working connection to the Internet. The main difference between a VPN and a normal connection is encryption.

All data transmitted via VPN is encrypted and is not supposed to be viewable by third parties.

The suggestion above is true if you choose the right VPN provider. Therefore, you should not install any application that promises anonymity and security. There have been many cases when a well-known and popular service leaked users’ data or even used their computers for virus and DDoS attacks.

For most of us, I’ve compiled a list of five reasons that prove everyone needs a VPN:

The most important points are the first and the fifth. While people who care about anonymity can figure it out on their own. The rest of us will have to read articles like this one.

Blocking access to certain sites or applications on the Internet is not always a bad thing. It is also not always blocked by the state.

And, of course, the state can block access to resources that are banned in the country.

Here I will not discuss whether it is right or wrong. And whether such blocking makes sense at all. It is important to understand that when blocking one resource, access to several other perfectly legal sites may be inadvertently restricted. Often such errors are not noticed by the average web visitor. But sometimes major resources such as Google get blocked by mistake.

From this it is easy to conclude that you should have a VPN on hand at all times. At least until a VPN is banned, too.

Choosing a VPN service is very difficult. The unsophisticated user does not see the difference between hundreds of different programs (and there is a difference). Advanced users compare services by such parameters as anonymity, access speed, log storage and much, much more. This table will help simplify the task a bit:

And here is a table to help you choose a VPN provider by the location of their servers.

Nerds can fap at the table for more than an hour. Here is a detailed comparison of almost all VPN-services on the most important parameters for mankind: the country of jurisdiction, the level of logging, speed limits, cooperation with big brother.

Remember, it almost doesn’t depend on your device which VPN service to choose. Almost all VPNs work the same on all platforms.

If you only need a VPN for surfing the Internet and access to blocked resources in your browser, you can not install any programs and do not fiddle with the settings.

Many VPN-services offer their own extensions for popular browsers. You can install and use them for free, often even without registering with the service itself.

Such an extension must simply be installed in the browser, just like the usual extensions, and turn on the toggle switch. After that, the browser starts working via VPN.

The developers guarantee complete security and anonymity (if used correctly). In this case, the speed is not limited, but torrent lovers are not pitied here.

Security is guaranteed by the fact that IVPN are members of the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) organization, and the company itself is registered in Gibraltar and is ready to bail out at the slightest pressure on itself. The servers do not store any personal information that could give away users.

So when asked by the government, they will simply have nothing to provide. And there is also support for OpenVPN, which means you can set up a VPN on any device.

But you have to pay $8.33 a month for such a pleasure, which is much more expensive than competitors.

The free version has ads and “sniffing” traffic to show those ads. But most people don’t care about that, so get over it. In the mobile version, it’s a promo when you turn on the connection, and in the browser it’s banners from partners. Other than that, you can only connect to a server in the USA.

In addition, the program can enable the VPN connection itself (when working with certain applications). In this way, you can work through a VPN with a list of programs, and for the rest you will use a normal connection.

The paid version costs €6.99 per month or €139.99 for the lifetime license. Here you can still buy a lifetime license for 10 devices for $69.99.

ZenMate is something in between the two options above. Here in the free version you get several servers to choose from: Germany, Hong Kong, Romania and the USA. The freedom of choice is compensated by a limitation in connection speed, but not in traffic.

How do I set up a VPN? This is probably the most pointless question of all. Unless, of course, we’re talking about OpenVPN configuration or router-level configuration.

Most VPN clients on popular platforms (Windows, Mac, Android, iOS) are set up like this – download, install, run.

Honestly, it’s so easy! There’s no need to dig into the system settings, enter “magic” numbers and passwords. Just install the program! And stop asking me that question. Seriously.

Many people don’t want to install a VPN because they are afraid of losing connection speed. Yes, that can be a problem. Speed can be limited on free VPN service plans.

But large VPN providers guarantee a connection without loss of speed, but in this case you have to pay a subscription. On the other hand, I recommend buying a subscription to a VPN in any case. Because free services try to “make money” on their users in one way or another.

In this case, the security of the connection, your personal data or even the information on your device suffers.

Mostly nothing. Install the client you need on all your devices and enjoy life without restrictions, bugging or surveillance. Use any software, go to any site, and be yourself!

Recently (probably due to the blocking of “Telegram”) in a number of media began to flash the acronym VPN. But what it is and what it is “eaten with” – for many users remains a mystery. In fact, below we will try to consider this thing in plain and simple language in more detail…

And so, a VPN is a Virtual Private Network. The word private means that it is accessible only to a certain circle of people (a kind of closed fraternity).

Those participants who connect to it get a secure, encrypted connection that works on top of your main Internet connection (a kind of “tunnel” between you and the Internet, see “The Internet”).

That is, thanks to the VPN you will be protected from theft of logins and passwords (which happens when using public Wi-Fi hotspots), your history of visiting sites will not be available even to the Internet service provider, and you can forget about blocking sites at all …

First of all, I want to give some simple examples (real-life) when a VPN is necessary. However, no matter how you retell the theory, it does not always help to understand all the nuances…

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. It’s called a virtual network because you don’t have to pull wires to make it work. It runs on top of an existing World Wide Web. The word “private” is more correctly understood as closed, that is, inaccessible to outsiders.

VPN hides your identity and true location, protects the data you send and receive, and makes closed useful sites, online stores and services available.

The editorial staff of Lifehacker has been using a VPN from HideME.ru for several years, so this article will be a bit of advertising of this wonderful service.

We don’t live in houses with glass walls or walk down the street naked. If a person wants to leave something hidden from view, it is not necessarily a bomb or other threat to the state and its citizens.

Would you want your frank correspondence with a loved one to become public? This applies to financial as well as information security in general.

VPN allows you to reliably protect all the data transmitted and received on the Internet, ensuring privacy, security of payment, business and other information that could become a threat to you or others in the hands of intruders.

Many critical systems, including government, banking and large company networks, operate through virtual private networks. Anyone can use a VPN, and no one will go to jail for it.

It is not the use of a VPN that is being prosecuted, but the cybercrimes that people commit by using a virtual private network to conceal their activities and cover their tracks. The very fact that criminals use VPNs is an excellent argument for the reliability and effectiveness of this technology.

Foreign VPNs are subject to the laws of other countries and transfer user information only by decision of a local court. Each provider has its own rules and procedures, and to understand how fiercely a particular VPN service protects the anonymity of its users, you need to dig into its history.

If the company is very young, the risk certainly increases. If the VPN is several years old, you have to look at the precedents. In nearly 10 years of its operation, HideME.ru has not registered any cases where user information has been transferred to another country, and this inspires confidence. In British Honduras, now called Belize, the laws are very nice .

Every business is created to make money. A VPN as a service is also a business that needs money for equipment, maintenance, and employee salaries.

Where do you get the money to maintain the service? If a VPN is paid, it’s understandable, but where do free VPNs get their money from? Usually, services that do not take money from users are very reluctant to talk about how they make money.

Remember the story of the Hola service. The free and very popular service was found to be selling its users’ data to third parties. And this was not the only case. Often free services do not even hide the sharing of information with third parties, because free stuff blunts your vigilance. Users do not read the terms of service and do not ask questions.

Paid VPNs are not interested in selling data because they value their users and reputation.

VPN allows you to achieve an acceptable level of security at minimal cost, using the resources of the existing World Wide Web. Because of this, VPN as a service is extremely inexpensive and does not hit your pocketbook at all.

The issue with the convenience of payment is solved by the right approach to choosing a VPN service provider.

As mentioned above, the modern VPN as a service is a business. To increase profits, businesses need more users. In order to have more users, the service must be as accessible and easy to understand as possible.

A modern VPN is elementary. If you can enter your login and password on the site, then you can set up a VPN on your computer, laptop, smartphone and tablet. Moreover, you can get acquainted with the technology without paying at all. The same HideME.ru provides free daily access with the opportunity to test everything yourself and make sure of its convenience and quality.

If you like it, you buy a suitable subscription (the longer the subscription, the cheaper). If something does not work, then write to support. Pay attention to users’ opinions about HideME.ru on the expert site VPNList. Almost every review mentions the cool work of the support service. The promptness and quality of support is especially important for newcomers.

We hope this article will help you discover a free and safe internet with a VPN.

VPN – what is it and why is it needed, instructions on how to connect, rating of the best VPN services

VPN in the current environment is relevant, especially when it comes to protecting personal information, security and anonymity of users, as well as Internet freedom due to the endless blocking by Internet service providers. Let’s try to explain simply: what is a VPN, what are its purposes and how to use it.

VPN or Virtual Private Network is a virtual private network built on top of the main network. The user node connects directly to the server, forming a kind of tunnel, and through it exchanges data with network resources.

In other words, it is an isolated Internet “inside” the Internet. This allows the end user to hide his location, device data and real IP address.

All traffic is encrypted, with the result that the data obtained does not provide any value.

servers, renting premises for them, and maintaining personnel entails a lot of expense. This means that free services generate income in other ways, for example, by showing ads or selling logs of user activity.

Recall the situation with the HOLA expansion, when it turned out that users’ traffic was sold to other companies under the Luminati brand. And the HOLA app for Android was even hacked by obtaining users’ private keys from the MyEtherWallet cryptocurrency wallet.

The average cost of a monthly subscription is about $10. It is more profitable to subscribe for a longer period of time – a year or two.

Some programs, such as NordVPN and ZenMate, require you to register an account. Others do not. Let’s take ZenMate as an example of how to install and configure it.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a technology that allows you to hide your real IP address. You may need it for the following activities:

With the service VPN, you can surf the Internet through your IP-address or through a proxy-server, ie through a completely different server, which can even be in another country.

It will be an intermediary between you and the Internet. All traffic will go through it.

Thus, you change the virtual “location” and hide the data about your IP-address and the real place where you are.

There are many VPN services through which you can connect to servers in another country. They can be both paid and free. The most convenient VPN service is the one that is presented as an extension for your browser. It is easy to turn on and off depending on the situation.

Consider the most famous VPN extensions that can be installed in Opera, as well as the new built-in VPN service developed recently for this browser.

You need to register: enter your email address and come up with a password.

In addition to anonymity, it offers Smart Price, which tells you where you can buy this or that thing cheaply. You can secure locations for individual sites. Squeezes the most out of your Internet speed.

A simple and free extension. There is also a paid version. Minus – loss of fast data transfer speed.

Unlike other browsers, Opera offers users its VPN function, which allows them to be on the Internet using servers in other countries. Let’s first look at the pros of the built-in feature:

You simply enable this feature in your browser settings and use an automated VPN service.

Click the extension icon on the top bar and start customizing the application.

Now let’s go through the process of setting up the extension. It doesn’t take long to set up, since the extension menu is usually small and doesn’t include many functions. Let’s look at the configuration using DotVPN as an example.

VPN extension for the browser is convenient because in its small menu, which opens with a click, you can immediately enable or disable the service. Let’s take DotVPN again as an example.

The built-in VPN service in Opera is easy to use, but does not offer additional features. You also can’t choose the country, but only the part of the world from which the new server will be. Internet speed can be slow in this case.

If you want advanced functionality, choose one of the above extensions that will also save you traffic. If you don’t want the hassle of installation and don’t need the options, enable the built-in VPN in the settings.

Hi friends, Many people use the Internet on the principle of “I have nothing to hide,” but that’s like saying “I don’t care about my rights. This article is for those who care about their rights, and for those who think about Internet safety. I will tell you in simple terms what a VPN is, why it is needed, and how to use it.

Thanks to VPN you will be protected from interception of logins / passwords in unprotected or public WI-FI points, the history of your visiting sites will not be available to anyone, and blocking sites you will forget like a bad dream. This also applies to torrents and any other supposedly banned sites.

The HYIP projects industry was also blocked. Recently, a popular bitcoin exchange, a large investment forum, and who knows how many other sites were blocked. The access to the website of any payment system can be blocked as well, for example to Perfect Money. Fortunately, the ridiculous blocking of VPN users does not apply I’m not sure what to do with it.

  1. VPN substitutes your real IP with a fake one, for example Italian or Dutch, if you use VPN, you are practically invisible on the network. You go to the site, but see that you are not, for example, from the US, but from Germany. Thanks to this, you are not afraid of any site blocking.
  2. Encrypts the connection – neither your ISP nor your sysadmin at work will know where you’ve been.

– What does the sysadmin/provider even see when you are without a VPN? All of your surfing history, all of the sites you visit without exception.

– What does it see when you are working through a VPN? That you are connected via VPN and… that’s it, he doesn’t know anything else . And also the attackers when intercepting the data will not be able to recognize it because of the encryption.

  1. In combination with IP spoofing and traffic encryption you become completely anonymous.