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Vaping: A huge database reveals the truth!


Two major consumer advocacy groups have launched the RightToVape.org site with the goal of creating the world’s largest collection of successful arc stories.

Already boasting nearly 14,000 testimonials, the site shows growing anger from around the world that evidence has been ignored and many people’s right to choose safer alternatives has been denied.

Live now www.righttovape.org A joint venture based in the United States Consumer Advocate of Smokeless Alternatives Association
(CASAA) and Coalition of supporters of tobacco damage reduction in the Asia-Pacific region (CAPHRA).

“This site is not only a unique and dedicated resource,
Strong response to those who want to restrict access to vaping and other non-smoking products.Many inspiring life stories and compelling anecdotes, in fact, clearly show that consumers are evidence.“Says Nancy Lucas, Executive Coordinator of CAPHRA.

The purpose of this site is to collect and publish successful arc stories and testimonies from people who have switched from flammable and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer smokeless alternatives to quit smoking or reduce smoking.

Organizers are calling on adults around the world who have directly used low-risk alternatives as a proven method of smoking cessation or smoking cessation. The Customer Voice collection contains personal stories of people who have successfully used e-cigarettes, snus, and other non-smoking tobacco / nicotine products.

Alex Clark, CEO of CASAA, says his organization is honored to combine their efforts with international allies who are working tirelessly to humanize the tobacco harm mitigation movement. say.

“The debate over safer nicotine products is often structured as a conflict between corporate interests and public health. This international collection of consumer voices challenges that false, outdated story. It’s full of truly living experiences of those who are improving their lives by moving away from burning, “says Clark.

Participants are free to write their own stories, but the length of smoking, the smoking cessation methods they tried before switching to alternatives to smoking cessation, the time elapsed since the switch was successful, and what happened. It is recommended to explain in detail. Changes in quality of life that they may have experienced.

Lucas says the international database of consumer voices will be a wake-up call to politicians, public health officials, and anti-vapor activists around the world. Anyone trying to remove the adult’s right to choose a safer nicotine alternative will have a real fight in their hands.

“We are adults. We have the right to make informed decisions for our health. We are proof that safer alternatives work and we will not be silent. An incredibly powerful new global advocacy initiative, CAPHRA is pleased to work with CASAA to launch it for the world. Tell us your personal story now, “Nancy Lucas said. Says.

Those who have switched are also advised to sign the Right2Switch Petition. and change.org/v4v-Petition.. It urges WHO to respect consumer rights and stop demonstrating tobacco hazard reduction options prior to the next biennial meeting of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) in November.

For a free digital media repository on tobacco harm reduction in the Asia Pacific region, including media releases, images and graphics, visit:


The Asia-Pacific Union of Tobacco Advocates (CAPHRA) is a regional alliance of consumer tobacco mitigation advocates. Its mission is to educate, defend and represent the rights of adult alternative nicotine consumers to access and use products that reduce the harm caused by tobacco use.



The US-based Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA) is a non-profit organization that raises awareness and protects consumers’ right to access a variety of effective, affordable and harmless alternatives to smoking. It is an advocacy group of. CASAA represents consumer interest in a variety of legislative, policy-making, and rule-making areas.


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Vaping: A huge database reveals the truth!

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