Home Illinois Some Steps You Can Take When You Lose Your UPS Package 

Some Steps You Can Take When You Lose Your UPS Package 


Waiting for your mail, your packages from the last two months and still haven’t received them? You are not alone in New York, as lost packages have become somewhat familiar. Several packages get into trouble before the delivery; maybe yours missed out. It would be best if you were patient as it might take a while. Indeed, the U.S. Postal Service facilities in  New York and across the country. 

No wonder thousands of packages sent two-three months ago are still kept undelivered, and several new ones get added with it. The packages or mails not getting delivered might be that it doesn’t have a good receiver’s address or return address. So, let’s have a detailed discussion below the article about the topic. 

What actions do you need to take when your UPS package is missing? 

Amazingly, senders and receivers can file a claim regarding the missing package being sent through UPS. Also, you’d get a complete refund for the ups lost package sent through one of its insured services. Moreover, the entire refund is only possible when the lost package meets specific criteria. Indeed, you’ve to go through certain crucial points before filing a claim for your missing package or mail. 

  • Track your package

Before filing any complaint regarding your lost UPS package, it would be best to know the location of your package. It’ll sometimes show the completion of the delivery process even if you haven’t received it yet and will take more than 24 hours to reach the destination. So, if it happens to you, then wait for 24 hours; if you do not receive your package, follow up on the below points. 

  • Fill out the request form of UPS help.

When you file or complete the request of ups stolen package help form then, the local post office gets the notice of searching your parcel. If they’re holding your packages then, you’d call it immediately. Sometimes, filing such help is crucial as they’d get to locate you quickly and deliver the box soon. 

  • Sent a missing package search request 

If you cannot locate your missing mail or package even after a week then, you need to immediately submit a ups lost package request to escalate the issue using UPS’s official website. 

  • Ensure to file  for a refund

When none of the above procedures works, you’d get the last choice to file for a refund for your package. But, not everyone can get the claim; only those who have used a UPS insured mail service could go for the refund procedure. Indeed, you’d have to either purchase the insurance thing from the UPS. Or you must have included it on your Priority or Registered mail service to continue the later refund procedure. 

Process of submitting the search request of a UPS missing mail 

Undoubtedly, it becomes quite a tense moment when your mail or package gets missing. You need to take immediate steps if you do not receive your parcel within a week. You could submit a search request for your lost mail in such cases. Indeed, you can go for the process on the UPS website, for which you’d have to log in first. Those who do not have an account need to log in and log in. Once you’re done logging in, go to the Missing Mail part, where you must go through certain vital information. 

  • Put the Valid address of both the receiver along the sender.
  • The details of the minimum and maximum size of the package box are to be mentioned in the box along with its type.
  • You’ve put a complete description regarding the parcel’s contents, size, brand, model, and other crucial information. 
  • Keep all the necessary identifying information regarding your packages, such as the tracking number, mailing date, or shipping receipt. 

Importantly, you’d get a field at the section where you have to fill in all the information as requested. The report includes service type, the mailing date, whether the package was insured, the receiver’s address, its content and more. Next, you’d get to see a disclaimer for missing mail search at the middle of the page. After reading it, you need to confirm that you’ve understood and agreed with the terms and conditions by clicking on the box. It would be best to click on verifying the address before submitting it for the next step. Also, you need to review the whole thing and information shown and finally click on the “submit” button. 

You could put the receiver’s address of your choice. If your package gets located, the delivery of the package will get to the address you’ve entered. 

How does UPS mail recovery centre works? 

The employees and workers have great experience for this particular job. They go through each parcel and envelope and scan them to know whether there’s anything valuable within the package. Furthermore, suppose any valuable items found in it. In that case, they try to check whether or not there is an appropriate mention of the receiver’s address in it. You can see most possibilities; they do not open personal correspondence or parcels that value less than $25. 

Interestingly, if the packages or parcels worth more than $25 do not have any accurate information for the delivery. Or if they do not get any way to deliver it, they hold it for more than six months. The holding depends on the mail class or the services used for the mail. So, if you’ve any expensive items for the mail then, immediately file a complaint after tracking it so that you can receive it from the UPS in no time. 

How can you file for an insurance claim or refund for your missing package? 

It’s an easy method for filing a refund or claiming insurance from UPS. As we have already mentioned, you need to use specific criteria for claiming the refund. Or, even if your package were already insured then, you could file the claim. UPS indeed takes 5-10 days for making claim decisions. You need to submit the refund claim within 60 days of the shipping date. Otherwise, it’d have no value. As per UPS guidelines, you won’t be able to file a refund until a certain period has passed so, wait for a few days. 

  • Before you apply for the refund claim, there are certain things that you’d need, including the tracking number of your package, proof of insurance, and evidence of the value you’re claiming. Such documentation is crucial for the further process, even though it’s a digital filing procedure. 
  • Next, you’d have to log in to your UPS account, where you’d find a domestic claim page. You could proceed with your search by entering your package’s tracking number on that page. 
  • For the next step, you have to enter all the details they’d ask for, like shipper contents, package contents, receiver’s address, the services used for the mail, and more. 
  • Finally, you have to submit and wait for a few days so that the UPS will respond to your request. 

Wrapping Up 

Undoubtedly, most packages do not go for delivery due to the improper address information that needs to put on the shipping label. Even one may have used water-insoluble ink to write the address, which got removed at any means. There are several possibilities, and we hope you’ve enjoyed this article and find it much informative.