Home Business 6 Tips For Planning Internet At Your Event

6 Tips For Planning Internet At Your Event


Planning an event isn’t an easy job. Minding all aspects of your event will ensure smooth execution without hassles. While there are different things to sort out, many forget about the internet connection.

Some neglect the fact that we mainly depend on digital technologies and good internet connection for events. If the internet fails at a certain point, your event will be disrupted. In addition, we share a few valuable tips on how to plan the internet at your event.

Understand the importance

Understanding the importance of internet service for your event is crucial. Nowadays, everything is supported by digital technologies and the internet. If you don’t have a reliable connection, your event might end up a total disaster. The high-speed internet will support your event, offering a smooth and straightforward experience. If the internet connection is slow, the attendees won’t be able to download your app. Or, the online demo won’t work, and the presenter won’t have visuals to support his speech. When every aspect of your event is covered with technology, a failure in connection will result in a disaster.

Check your venue

Venues might offer different pricing packages depending on the internet you need, so be sure to check this. Before signing a contract, get to know more about the offer. However, there is one more crucial aspect to consider. The internet might be excellent, but the connection will be slower than usual if the venue is too busy and has other guests. If other people use the network besides your attendees, you can ask them to include a separate bandwidth for your users.

Perform a test

Once you obtain your venue, it is time to test the coverage. Perform a site visit and check the connectivity from every corner of the venue. Check the signal strength to see if the wifi can reach the whole room. Make sure to check whether the signal covers the entire area where your event will be held. In addition, check the signal strength and perform a speed check. If you find out that the wifi doesn’t offer suitable coverage or speed, don’t worry that your big event will fail. Obtain special event wifi services to make sure the connection won’t fail. This service will save you precious time, and you won’t have to deal with technical stuff.

Required bandwidth

If your venue has different packages for the internet, calculate how much bandwidth you will need. They offer packages per device, per person, or a total price for a group. You can use a dedicated calculator to estimate the amount you will need to have your event covered.


Don’t go for the first offer that you will receive. Shop around and compare offers from different venues in your selected area. Don’t mind getting into negotiations for the price if you have already found cheaper offers.

Usage report

When your big event ends with success, it doesn’t have to mean that your job stops here. We recommend you get important information that will help you make better decisions when planning your future events. After the event, make sure to ask for a usage report. Yoru venue should be able to provide you with this report, which gives your important insights about internet usage. This report will reveal how much data was used during your event. In addition, it shows how much data was consumed at what time. Analyze your information to find out how much internet was used so that you can plan your future events accordingly. This will help you set a transparent image about the price of internet connection.