Home Lifestyle 5 Ways to Be More Sustainable in Your Everyday Life

5 Ways to Be More Sustainable in Your Everyday Life


Most of us realize just how much we need to start doing our part for the planet. Whether it’s how we buy our food or how we use air conditioning and heating, there are many things we can do to practice more sustainable habits in our lives. Take a look at some ways to be more sustainable in your life:

Look at how you shop for groceries

From the coffee you buy to the packaged meats you shop for at your local supermarket, it’s essential to take a look at how you’re shopping for groceries. There are some options for unpackaged goods that will provide you with the foods and products you love, without the extra packaging.

From your gourmet coffee pods to the hygienic products you use, take a look at options that are sustainably designed or packaged.

Save energy wherever you can

Another way to consider making sustainable changes in your life is using the HVAC system. Did you know that people are not as used to using air conditioning in many other countries, from Europe to South America, as we are in the U.S.?

While it sure is nice to use it on a hot summer day, and necessary when the temperature is over 90 degrees, we often use it more than what is needed. Open your windows and use your ceiling fans on those days that may be a little warm but not unbearable.

Grow your produce

If you have the space or yard, consider growing your own produce. Not only is this more affordable for you, but it’s also a great way to always have what you need at home. From squash to tomatoes and cucumbers, learn how to grow your produce to avoid packaged produce. It’s a more sustainable way to live and could even be an exciting thing to do.

You could even sign up to a garden subscription where you receive new seeds for your produce garden every month. While it may take some time to get your garden going, it will be worth the time and effort it took to grow it when the plants start bearing vegetables.

Shop for used items

Whether you need a blender or want to buy other items for your home or clothes, consider shopping around at thrift stores. While brand new items may be appealing, a more sustainable habit would be buying things used before.

Whether you shop around on sites like Poshmark or Real Real or buy from used home items on Offer Up or Retail Me Not, buying used things is another way to live sustainably. You’d be amazed at how many items you can find that have only been used gently.

Donate items to charities

When you no longer use items in your home or find you have clothes that you’ve never worn, instead of throwing things away, which isn’t only bad for the environment and a waste of money, donate to local charities.

From women’s shelters to organizations that help the underprivileged, plenty of places can put gently used items to good use. If you want to make a buck or so off of your used items, consider selling them on online thrift stores. Not to mention, some local charities will even come by and pick up the items from you to save you an extra trip.

In Conclusion

From shopping for unpackaged items to growing your produce, there are many ways to practice a more sustainable lifestyle. Whatever changes may be easier to make, start with those, and as you get used to these habits, start trying to add new ones into your life.