Simple steps to manage your debt and finances in 2022

There are many simple ways to manage your finances and debts. There is no need for you to worry about increasing your monthly income to improve your financial health. All it needs is a commitment to follow debt-free financial planning for better debt management and financial control.

How you manage your finances has a significant influence on your debt management in the long run. StepChange review can help you greatly if you want to live a debt-free life. But, if you end up with debts, it is nothing so severe to worry about unless there comes an unexpected situation and multiple problem debts. You might just have to get a suitable debt management solution to become debt-free faster.

Nonetheless, different debts have specific benefits and drawbacks, which count down to these three conditions:

  1. If your debt management skills are good.
  2. If the existing debts hold the likelihood to help you manage your finances better.
  3. If you are prepared to persist in your financial matters in case of an unexpected turn of events.

Therefore, before you learn about the various ways to manage your debts and finances straightforwardly, it would help to understand the difference between good debt and bad debt. Having clarity on these can assist you in improving your debt management skills and better control of your finances to build a good credit profile. Or, you can also take a better approach and seek guidance via a StepChange review on debt management.

Good debt:  Yes, every debt needs to be repaid by a certain point. But, all obligations are not the same. Depending on your situation and financial ability, the effects of the debts vary. For instance, if you invest in an asset like shares or property, you can earn a profit out of it even though there are risks involved. If there is a growth in their value, it guarantees you quality income over time.

Bad debt:  On the other hand, bad debt is a debt in which you borrow to spend, not gain any additional financial gains. Such debt money goes into managing your day-to-day expenses, groceries, etc. It does not stay on your hand.

If you want to have an excellent financial status, you have to make debt management a part of your money goals in 2022. You have to keep up with your money management skills to control your debt if it is. Because to remain debt-free, financial wellness is crucial. You should regularly review how your financial planning is going. With that in thought, you can keep track of your money matters and debt by following the ways stated right ahead.

Sort out the money that you owe (organize your debts)

Suppose you have multiple debts over your head. If so, the first step that you must do to proceed with debt management essentially is to work out how much money you owe to whom and for how long. How much you are paying on interest, and in what installments. Listing out your different debts will enable you to identify the limit of your total debts.

When you get a clear view of your debts, it may be overwhelming at first. But to become debt free fast, you probably have to undertake a debt management solution at this point. These step for change has many options to clear your confusion for a suitable debt management solution. Acknowledging your debts will further help in controlled financial management.

Prioritize your debts

When you organize your debts, it would be better to list them according to their debt balance. This will help you to keep track of the debt repayments. Debt management becomes easier when you prioritize debt repayments. A debt repayment schedule impacts your credit profile. So, to boost your credit score, financial management and debt planning are vital.

Compare your earnings and spending.

Besides determining the money that you owe to different creditors, it also helps to know how much is your cash inflow and cash outflow every month. Understanding these enables you to manage your finances and debts properly. Comparing your income and expenses guide further improves your money management and debt management skills. If it does not help, seek StepChange UK money advice.

Build a realistic budget

If you got no practical idea of managing your finances, building a budget would help. But make sure that the budget is realistic. Superficial budgeting is of no help if you want to become debt-free efficiently in a short time.

While preparing a budget, we suggest you follow the 50-30-20 rule. As per the 50-30-20- rule, 50% of your total monthly income goes into paying for essential expenses like utility bills and mortgage payments. 30% of the remaining monthly income is to be kept aside for tending to other personal needs and wants. The remaining 20% of your monthly income makes payments to cover the debts.

According to this rule, you have the chance to save money out of the 30% category. For that, you should limit spending on your wants. Or, you can forward that extra money to repay the debts in more significant amounts and become debt-free sooner than expected. A realistic budget helps to track your savings and spending and in debt management. A budget should be such that your lifestyle and usual spending habits are not affected.

A realistic budget should encourage you to better your money control and debt management. Committing to the set budget will help you achieve your money goals. If you struggle to set up a sustainable budget for yourself, the StepChange review can provide you with reliable budgeting advice.

Try to consolidate or refinance your loans.

One way to make debt management easier is:

When you have several debts to repay, it often becomes difficult to keep track of debt repayments. Because there will be multiple debt interest charges and additional payments for the debts, if you choose to consolidate your various debts into one, you can apply for a debt consolidation loan to pay off the combined debts. Debt consolidation loans are usually obtained at a lower interest rate and charges that enable you to save extra money in the long run. However, the loan amount and interest rate depend mainly on your debt and credit history.

Rather than juggling several debt repayments every month, it is better to consolidate the debts and make a single payment to cover all the debts. While you look for a reliable lender for a debt consolidation loan, be careful, or you may pay higher than necessary. If needed, a debt management solution is also an option to be debt-free. Nonetheless, a debt consolidation loan or a personal debt loan is flexible enough and won’t affect your budget format primarily.

Try out different debt payoff strategies.

People in the UK usually consider getting into a debt management solution with a service provider when the debts become unmanageable. So, if you have several obligations that are still manageable, you can try out a few standard debt payoff strategies. These strategies can also eventually help you to become debt-free.

Debt Snowball method

The Debt Snowball method may not be the best optimal way to repay your debts, but it is still an excellent option to stay motivated to make regular debt payments. In this method, you make minimum monthly payments to all the debts except those with the smallest balance. You make a large repayment to pay off the debt with the smallest value. This process enables minimizing the number of obligations faster. As you get rid of the priority debt, you follow up with the next debt. The debts with the highest value and interest rates are paid off by the end.

Debt Avalanche method

The Debt Avalanche method is a good debt repayment strategy if you wish to save up money in the long run. You make the most significant payment to the debt with the highest value and interest rate in this method. For the rest of the obligations, you make minimum payments every month until the priority debt is paid off. The process is followed till you become debt-free. While you can save money on interest payments, this method altogether is a slow process.

Debt Management Plan

Managing debts by yourself could be overwhelming at times. For such a situation, there are different debt management plans to help you with debt management and get rid of your debts. In a debt management plan, a third party manages your obligations so that you can become debt-free faster. StepChange UK offers various debt management solutions to people with problem debts.

You have to make regular minimum payments towards debts until full repayment as per the established structured debt repayment plan. Default in making these payments is liable for the creditors’ court hearings or enforcement action. At times, the third party can also take legal action for the non-fulfillment of the set debt management plan.

Make debt repayments on time.

While you are repaying your debts, you must not make late payments or miss any of the monthly payments. This will harm your credit profile. Delaying on debt repayments might simply increase the interest charges and debt fees. And as the saying goes, time management is crucial for quality debt management to be a debt-free individual shortly.

Even if you are following any debt management solution to get rid of your debts, repaying your debts on time is vital. If you default, there are chances that the creditors might take legal actions against you for debt recovery. The budget is of great help to help you remind the due dates of debt repayments.

Paying debts on time will prevent adverse effects on your credit score, your access to various financial products, and your ability to obtain credit.

Make debt payments as per your affordability.

If you follow a debt management solution, you must make sure that the monthly payment is affordable. If it is out of your budget or might short your spending on reasonable living necessities, you should talk it out with the financial advisor or debt advisor. Find a different alternative option for reliable debt management to become debt-free. We suggest you contact the StepChange debt charity UK number or go through their StepChange review to learn about their debt services.

Create a backup plan (emergency funds)

You can never be sure of their sustainability when it comes to financial matters. You should always be ready to face any unexpected events to your financial and debt situation. Without a financial backup plan, you will not be able to manage your debts if the creditors decide to alter the debt repayment plan, increase the interest rates and fees, or increase the monthly debt repayment amount. Or, what if you lose your job?

It is essential to create a safety net for yourself to tackle unexpected and unwanted debt or finance issues. Here, you can either create a savings deposit account or build emergency funds to cushion your financial falls.

Assuming that you have prepared a safety net, you should review that emergency funds regularly. While an emergency fund is excellent support in adverse financial needs, you should take steps to strengthen it.

Follow good money habits.

Starting financial and debt management from an early age is an excellent way to build effective money habits. Here are a few ways to prepare for a quality financial control and lifestyle:

Cut down on your expenses wherever you seem fit.

When you have your budget set up, you can quickly identify where your money is going. If it is something that is purely unnecessary and has other alternatives, you should remove that from your spending list. Cutting down on your expenses here and there can eventually accumulate a considerable amount. Later, that money can be used for paying off debts or saved as emergency funds.

Review your investments

Another excellent way for financial management to this date is to make investments in a variety of investments avenues. Having varied portfolio investments on your credit profile can help boost your credit score. It is an excellent addition to improving your monetary status and a good credit profile. If you plan to make investments, invest in all types of returns, including short-term and long-term returns. Creating an investment strategy should be a part of your long-term financial planning.

Long-term investments in mutual funds, stocks, or real estate, can also be considered financial planning for your retirement. After you invest, do not make the mistake of keeping them as it is. The market condition is constantly fluctuating. So, you should regularly review your portfolio investments and take advantage of the market changes.

Utilize the earnings from investments

Let’s say that you have made some effective investments for a long time now. Then, you can use the investment returns to make larger monthly payments to cover the debts. The returns from investments in mutual funds, fixed deposits, or stocks are dependable profits. Making full utilization of the investment returns to pay off debts can save up on your regular income. You can then put that saved up money aside for other productive purposes.


Now, if you get substantial returns on your various investments, you can quickly become debt-free by paying off several debts or making higher payments than the minimum amount. Find more information on these via the StepChange review.

Find ways to boost your income.

In today’s date, managing your finances and debt management is complex with a single income source. Suppose you have a low monthly income. Making regular minimum debt payments and tending to your usual living costs will be challenging. Thus, finding alternate ways to increase your monthly income is another choice. You can do other part-time jobs and utilize the security benefits money and inheritance money (if any) to boost your monthly earnings.

Seek professional help

Last but not least, a reliable way for debt management and practical budgeting to manage your finances is to get professional help. StepChange UK can help you get rid of your debts via a stipulated debt payment structure and timeframe. They will also provide you with necessary money advice and re-establishment assistance to build your credit score.


Financial wellness is something that you should start planning early to reap long-term benefits. And financial wellness influences your personal and health wellness.


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