Home Health How to Keep Your Memory Sharp in Old Age

How to Keep Your Memory Sharp in Old Age


Some degree of memory loss is common as we get older. We all have moments when someone’s name escapes us,or we can’t recall where we left the car keys. Everyone has forgetful moments; it’s normal and not necessarily something to worry about. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to minimize the chances of age-related memory loss. Continue reading to find out more.

A Good Night’s Sleep

Our brains don’t function great after a poor night of sleep. This is why when you have stayed up late, you make a lot of mistakes at work the following day. The older we get, the more pronounced this effect is, which is why it’s important to try and get at least seven hours of sleep per night.

There is a common misconception that older people need less sleep, but they need the same as everyone else. When you reach your senior years, try to have a good bedtime routine. Go to bed at the same time each night and avoid caffeine in the afternoon. It will help keep your memory sharp the following day.

A Healthy Diet

Diet also plays an important role in memory care. Our brains need the right nutrition to keep the synapses firing on all cylinders. Research has proven that a poor diet full of sugar can cause diminished memory function. If you reduce the amount of sugar in your diet, your memory should improve.

Try eating a healthy Mediterranean diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Use olive oil for cooking and avoid eating too much red meat. Fish is a lot healthier for preserving your memory, as it is high in Omega fatty acids.

Dietary supplements can help- take fish oil capsules each day, as studies have shown they help to restore memory function in people with cognitive decline.

Stay Active

It is important to stay active in old age. The more active you are, the better your brain function. Doctors recommend physical exercise for anyone trying to boost their brain function. You don’t need to take up jogging in your senior years – unless you want to! A brisk walk or a swim will make a big difference, and probably lift your mood too.

Remain Sociable

Maintaining social connections is important in later life. Friends can stop you from feeling lonely and ward off depression, which can lead to memory loss. Try and stay connected with friends and reach out to relatives if you feel lonely. We all lead busy lives, but simple things like scheduling a video chat with the grandkids once a week can be a great mood lifter.

Whileall of these things will help, it isn’t always possible to prevent memory decline caused by some form of dementia. If you or a relative is suffering from memory problems and have had a dementia diagnosis, memory care providers can help. Search for independent living facilities near me such as Brandywine Living and see if any assisted living centers nearby offer this service.

If you are concerned about your failing memory, speak to a doctor. There could be an underlying medical problem, so it is sensible to have a health check.