Home Health 6 Common Mistakes When Brewing Coffee

6 Common Mistakes When Brewing Coffee


Whether you are a beginner, enthusiast, or coffee expert, not only should you learn about the secrets to brewing the best cup of coffee, but the mistakes to avoid as you make it in your kitchen. It seems easy to brew a cup of coffee, but if you taste different kinds of the same make, you will tell if you are making a good brew or not. Just like other culinary endeavors, making good coffee is about technique. If you know the right one, you make a bold and delicious cup at home. Below are some mistakes in brewing coffee you should avoid.

  1. Not upgrading your sugar and milk 

How you take your coffee is about personal preference. You may be enjoying certain spices, mct oil in coffee, a rich creamer, or sugar and milk. However, ensure you get the most flavor from your coffee. If you love your sugar, the little brown packets in many coffee shops are better in taste than the white sugar. Thus use those and for the milk, use half and half or whole milk. For non-fat milk, it can water down your coffee. To indulge further, enjoy a coffee cake with your coffee and have your morning breakfast.


  1. Not using hot water

To make better-tasting coffee, you do not just use any water. It is a mistake. The ideal temperature for perfect coffee is 195 to 205 degrees. Water at this temperature extracts the most flavor from the coffee beans. Ensure you are using hot water that is enough for your coffee. Switch to the pour-over method or French press where you use water of a boil. Plus, this brewing method is cheaper than using the average electric brewer.

  1. Pouring into a cold cup 

If you pour hot coffee into a cup at a lower temperature, it does not stay hot for long. Through this, you prolong enjoying your coffee, and you pre-warm your cup. It is not tasking as the already boiling water is what you pour into your cup and leave it there as you continue brewing your coffee. Once the coffee is ready, pour it out and put your coffee. Also, remember to rinse your pour-over or French press with some water before you add your coffee grounds.

  1. Eyeballing measurements

A habit you will want to break immediately is spooning your roasted and ground beans into the filter through eyeballing. The importance of measuring your grounds is to ensure you control the strength of the cup. Follow the rule of thumb and for a 34-ounce standard size, use eight full teaspoons. Following these measurements will give you bold coffee but not as strong as espresso.

  1. Using beans ground a long time ago

Where possible, avoid buying pre-ground beans. Once coffee beans are ground, they start releasing their nuanced flavors. And the longer you take to brew, the more the flavor diminishes. Pre-grind your whole beans at home or grind at the grocery aisle. If you want to do it at home, invest in a good burr coffee grinder, for a finer grind. While the water heats it, power it up and amp the flavor of your beans by adding spices as you grind.

  1. Using the wrong kind of a cup 

The type of coffee cup you use for your coffee is vital if you want to enjoy your coffee. Avoid using the dainty china teacups you use at tea parties. Or the super functional coffee cups you have always had, for they drop the temperature quickly. Use a thick-walled cup as it helps maintain the coffee’s hot temperature for a long. Shop for one and look for a dinner-style coffee mug with a thick wall. Also, handcrafted ceramic mugs are good as long as they are sturdy.

To sum up, the above are some of the mistakes to avoid if you want to enjoy your coffee cup. More importantly, ensure you are not using stale beans. Use those roasted within the last two or three weeks. So always check the roast date. Always check the coffee to water ratio and check the quality of water you are using. Finally, do not forget to clean your machine.